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7 LinkedIn post ideas for Coaches to ignite your spark ✨

Are you a Coach who enjoys sharing content on LinkedIn BUT all out of creative fuel this week? Or you just want to get started? Here’re 7 IDEAS to ignite your spark ✨

Sharing content on LinkedIn is a way to help more people, even if they can never afford your services.

And for others to get to know you better before deciding to coach with you.

And it’s important to show up regularly as it can also help you get noticed by the LinkedIn algorithm – flagging that you’re a reliable, active and engaged community member.

So it can help more people find your content and benefit from it.


Coming up with quality content ideas regularly can be tough.

Here’re my 7 ideas of what you can share:

1. Something your ideal client finds CHALLENGING

Talk about something that was hard for you (or your clients) and is now easy. What was your key takeaway or a process that can help others?

2. Something PERSONAL

Share a personal story and your learnings from it.

People love to hear stories, and knowing that others have been through similar experiences can help them feel less alone.

3. Something EDUCATIONAL

Share something your community would love to learn about.

Eg, tips for acing job interviews or managing a team in times of uncertainty.

What’s the key thing that can make your ideal client feel a LOT better equipped?

4. Something to CELEBRATE

Share anonymized client case studies or testimonials.

If you keep a ‘personal motivation’ folder full of lovely things clients have been saying about your work – it’s time to start sharing it!

Give others an idea of the exciting transformational results coaching can help them achieve too.


Look at what your coach-colleagues are sharing. See if any of the topics inspire you to share your own perspective on the theme.

Or did you comment on a post talking about something you feel very passionate about? Expand that comment into a post of your own.


Ask your audience a question.

Something you genuinely want to know about them OR you’d love to ask advice on OR run a poll to get ideas for your next post or a workshop event.

7. Something FUN

There is no better way to build rapport with ‘strangers on the internet’ than humour.

Share your recorded ‘happy dance’ after signing up your recent coaching client.

Spread the joy! Our mirror neurons will thank you for that.

There you have it.

If you’d like to learn more strategies on creating LinkedIn content that Sparkles while attracting and inspiring potential coaching clients here – join my upcoming free LINKEDIN CONTENT MINICOURSE for Coaches.

Here’s the link to sign up:

Grab your spot and bring a friend if you like!


What gets your creative juices flowing for creating content here?

I’d love to learn about your process in the comments 🧚‍♀️

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