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Coaches, are you aware that you’re losing at least 50% of awesome clients simply because you’re SHYING AWAY from dealing with objections in enrolment calls? It’s ok, I missed out on working with many potential clients too, until I learnt to LEAN INTO such discussions.

If you’re signing out of the Zoom meeting on the variation of –

“Sounds great, let me think about it”

…then you’re likely to hear something like this the next day:

“I reeeeally enjoyed meeting you, [insert a generous compliment]. But, it’s not for me right now”.

The reason this happens so often is:

Embarking on a coaching journey is SCARY AF!

Not only for the cost and time commitment, but because you’re going to work on helping them make their most DARING DREAMS come true!

You know, how they say that we are more afraid of our success than failure? [something like that….]

So if you jump off the call without addressing her doubts, she will spend that evening in the ‘saboteur land’ – coming up with 27 reasons why this won’t work for her.


What if you took the courage to LEAN INTO these uncomfortable conversations, where you got to unpack her doubts and limiting beliefs RIGHT ON THE ENROLMENT CALL?…

So that you get to EMPOWER HER to finally take the stance for her heart’s desires, as well as empower yourself with ever greater abundance in your coaching practice!

I know that most coaches struggle with this process so I felt inspired to schedule a round of MASTERING ENROLMENT OBJECTIONS trainings in July.

I will share with you my own ABCD process for overcoming ANY objection that flies your way. As well as the One Magic Question to ask to uncover the REAL doubts behind her uncertainty to join.

If you’re ready to go deep on this topic and start converting 50-70% more of your enrolment conversations – then you’re welcome to join one or all three of the training sessions in July (starting this Thu).

Link to sign up is in the comments 👇

And now, I’d love to hear – what is the most puzzling objection you’ve ever heard? Let me know in the comments.

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