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Let’s create a vibrant Business Vision for your Coaching Practice

Are you ready to make 2023 your BEST YEAR as a coach? Let’s create a vibrant vision for your coaching practice RIGHT NOW. [while Leo is helping me to type this up 😉 gnjksa a`;odg skuds df dfsjhdzf 34ybklerzzz dfsk zc j]

As Coaches, we know that without the right Mindset no strategies, tools or tricks can help us move forward.

So let’s get clear on what you’d love to make happen by the Holiday Season 2023.

Allow the space in your mind to focus on this just for the next 2 mins, and let’s begin.


Take a few deep breaths.

Firstly, imagine if you had buckets of motivation, support and also luck along your journey to make your coaching business goals come true in 2023 – how would that make you FEEL?

✨…take a moment to connect with that feeling and allow yourself to ENJOY it…✨

Secondly, what would you love your coaching practice to LOOK like? 🎯

– How many clients do you want to work with?

– What will your week look like?

– How are you impacting your clients’ lives?

– What would you love to be earning in order to feel that your training and passion for coaching are being properly valued?

– How will success and abundance in your coaching practice be affecting other areas of your life?

NOW, connect with the FEELING that this vision is creating in you (however strong or subtle), and just REST in it for a few more moments.

Trust yourself that this connection will work its magic in the background (showing up as synchronicities perhaps..?) while you’re taking concrete steps to bring that vision closer to you 🦶

On the topic of taking conscious steps – I’m running a free Workshop this and next Thu where we’ll lock in this exciting vision for your coaching practice in 2023, and I will also be sharing tools and strategies to help you achieve it in the New Year.

I’ll answer ANY questions on launching or growing your coaching business: deciding on your niche, lead generation, social media content, acing enrolment conversations, overcoming objections – bring it on!

Come, we’ll look for the missing puzzle piece to getting your coaching practice booked out with aligned clients in 2023 🧩

Book your spot for the ‘Boost Your Coaching Practice in 2023’ workshop here and feel free to invite your coach-friend too:

Also, I’m curious – which Mindset tools do you use to help your clients create an inspiring vision while keeping sabotaging thoughts at bay?

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