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Money Mindset

Coaches, what is the N1 reason we are missing out on signing up more clients at a higher rate? In my view, it’s about our Money Mindset.

Since I was 6 years old, I remember seeing my mum and dad have HUGE fights about money.

From a small person’s perspective, these seemed nearly life-threatening to me.

It’s no surprise that when I grew up – I avoided the topic like fire 🔥

Not a great place to be when you’re working as a Headhunter in Investment Banking…

Life challenged me with negotiating million-dollar salary packages for my candidates, so I had to face my Money Gremlins 👹 head on!

After too much palm-sweating in such conversations, I brought up this topic with my therapist for the first time.

And WOW, just this AWARENESS of where this disempowering ‘money story’ started was a huge breakthrough for me!

I still broke a sweat when negotiating, but now I didn’t hide away when the conversation got more heated.

As a Coach, I imagine this topic must have surfaced for you already in your own coaching sessions. And you must have a high degree of awareness of your Money Story.

What I find quite ‘fun’ in our work – no matter how much awareness we have of something or how much rewiring work has happened – the disempowering story is never ‘closed, done and dusted’ (at least in my experience).

Instead, it loosens its grip so that you can open up to ever more Abundance over months and years.

I notice that every year I need a ‘top-up’ session on this topic – so that my nervous system can open up to yet another level of Abundance.

But wait… why am I talking about this?..


…cause it’s this little Money Gremlin in the back of your mind who makes you withdraw from the conversation when the Prospect brings up the variation of “Sounds great, BUT I can’t afford it right now” – during an enrolment call.

Sometimes it is truly the case, but most of the time – it is yet another limiting belief that you can help this person overcome if you choose to LEAN INTO this conversation. So that they get to experience transformative results of coaching with you.

Which new EMPOWERING Money Story do you choose to write (or remind yourself of) today? 🎥


Have you helped your clients with their Money Mindset? Which coaching tools/approaches did you use? Share below for inspiration 👇

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