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Should I be more REAL on LinkedIn or better to keep it PROFESH?

Most Coaches are telling me that they CRAVE being more authentic in all areas of their lives.

This is the reason they left their high-paying corporate jobs and followed the dream to run their own practice.

But at the same time, I see a lot of hesitation to embrace this value when posting on LinkedIn.


“Well, it’s a professional platform, so it’s better to keep it suited-and-booted here and share your dog-walking photos on Facebook or instagram, right?”


In the sea of blue suits and white shirts against grey backgrounds, what do you think will stand out?

Your PUP! 🐕

“So, am I just doing it for the ‘puppy effect’ then?”


…so that you follow your dream and values to BE REAL, whatever platform you’re on.

…so that people get to know you better, cause you need a lot deeper rapport with your audience in order for someone to decide to coach with you.

It’s not like selling b2b services.

People need to see the real you in order to feel they can trust you when sharing vulnerable stuff in coaching conversations.

I literally NEVER hired a coach who hasn’t shared something personal about them that resonated with me – either our CTI front-of-room leaders sharing real challenges, or coaches I hired after following them online.


you gotta add VALUE in your posts too, LinkedIn is NOT your “Dear Diary,…” space.


be real AND educate, empower, inspire in the same post,


telling a tale of leadership through the experience of your dog’s ability to stay in the present moment no matter the situation, etc… etc….

So ONE thing that I’d love for you to walk away with – is understanding that AUTHENTIC, REAL content on LinkedIn – is your MOST effective way to attract clients and have lots of fun along the way.

LinkedIn algorithm is sooo behind your craving for greater authenticity and self-expression.

Why not ride the wave? 🌊

Oh, and if you want more ideas and inspiration on how to be more YOU on LinkedIn while sharing value with your clients,

come to my free LINKEDIN CONTENT MINICOURSE for Coaches launching 20th of April. Link to sign up 👇

What’s been your experience of sharing personal VS professional posts here?

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