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Sounds awesome, but… no thanks

Hey Coaches, I can’t tell you how many times I jumped off an enrolment call BUZZING with energy thinking “We are so perfect for each other! She will DEFO sign up!” Only to wake up next morning to an email with a generous compliment and a ‘No thanks’ at the end.

Back then I felt yucky trying to uncover that person’s doubts on the enrolment call…

I felt uneasy talking about money…

I took their objections at the ‘face value’ and just moved on…

As a result, I lost out on about 70-90% of all potential clients whose lives I could have impacted!

I don’t do regrets, so I took each rejection as a [painful] learning opportunity.

Over the last 6 years of running my coaching practice and 400+ enrolment calls later, I finally learnt a process that helped me unpack what’s really behind this person’s doubts.

And I learnt to COACH them through objections. Cause, in 90% of cases, these objections are not even a real thing…. But a limiting belief in their mind.

Which, as a skillful Coach, you can totally help them to overcome!

I have a round of free workshops prepared for you in July, dear Coaches! On Mastering those sneaky objections that you probably get to hear on most of your enrolment calls.

If you’re fed up missing out on signing up aligned clients because of yet another “Sorry, I’ll call you when I have more cash” type of thing – you don’t want to miss these sessions!

You’re welcome to sign up to a few of them as this skill takes some time to get into your muscle memory, and we’ll get to practice responding to a few different objections on each call.

Save your spot(s) at the MASTER ENROLMENT OBJECTIONS WORKSHOP and share with a Coach-friend:

I promise you – if you have the right mindset and process in place – handling those objections can be a lot of FUN, just like Coaching!

And, I’d love to hear – what’s the most PUZZLING objection you’re ever heard?

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