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To niche, or NOT to niche as a new Coach?

I was broke in the first year of my coaching practice and had to take on a part-time job. As a new coach, you’re competing with thousands of other talented coaches graduating every year, as well as more experienced coaches who already created a name for themselves.

So, how do you STAND OUT and build a thriving coaching practice now?

If you’ve been on the fence about ‘NICHING’ to build and grow your own coaching brand – in this video I share with you my experimentations working with a niche and without one. One of these options kept my practice POOR, another helped it SOAR!

  • Do you wanna guess which one’s which?

  • What is your experience working with a niche and without one?

Let me know in the comments. [tag a coaching friend who would appreciate learning more about this] And here’s the link to schedule a call to discuss how the Abundant Coach Accelerator programme can help you go from poor to soar in your coaching practice too:

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